Author name: @peace


Well,,, A Theme That is Actually Useable.

Just an observation. Some thing that I noticed about how things have changed about wordpress, is the themes are not as user friendly as I remember. It’s not just blocks being nonsensical, most themes seem to be focused on commerce. Ether plugging a service, or merch. Not many themes that allow for anything else. Nothing […]


Learning curve

Nothing to read here just me acting like I’m writing a post to see how well i can navigate and use blocks or elementor … This is not as intuitive as one would think. But as far as I can tell it accomplishes the same thing as the classic editor. Why do I have to


Testing to build another site.

It’s been a while since I used this domain. and host. I’m working on other projects where I need to know how wordpress and other CMS option work. Since I have this I am using this site to test plugins and services. sorry Don’t thing you’re going to find anything too interesting here. at least